Brian's Stygian Ferry Page: Brian never cared much for computers or the internet. I called him computer-phobic, but he just called himself "old fashioned." I have been friends with Brian since the second grade, and although our paths took us in different directions for the first few years after high school. We rekindled our friendship when, to my surprise, we shared a philosophy course in the basement of Ford Hall.
There is something both comforting and unsettling about life-long childhood friends. The conversation skips the superficial, and oftentimes, more is said with silence. After a long and difficult battle with mental illness and chemical dependency, Brian took his own life on Friday, April 25, 2008. I do miss our conversations and walks. His mother grimaced when I said I missed Brian's crazy mind, but honestly, I miss his mind, sprouting with ideas and stories. I will miss Brian for the rest of my life, so it seems a fitting jab to create a webpage in his honor. And, because of his love of Greek mythology, I am calling this page, Brian's Stygian Ferry.
Poetry: Brian fancied himself as a poet, and I have a two copies of his manifesto work, entitled "Rings of Wood", along with a handful of his later poems. He always wanted to publish, but never quite had the willpower. He most probably feared the rejection. At the funeral, we were told that "Rings of Wood" was going to be published, but I don't know when, or if, this will happen. Nevertheless, when I get some time, I will scan and post his poems here.
Rings of Wood hand writen version: comming soon
Brian's Collected Poems: comming soon
Songs for Brian: Over the years, a number of songs were written directly and indirectly about Brian. He also provided poems for us to use as lyrics, so I will try to track down some of these songs and post them here.
Jalas used Brian's poem Dionysus for the lyrics to this song: Dionysus MP3